🔊 Play The Online Trademark Registration connected to brand-building elements, such as emblems, logos, and corporate names, are regulated and governed by trademark laws. These are essential components of the modern business environment because they help organizations in safeguarding their brand identities and fending off imitators and fraudulent goods. Industry expert Mr. Sanket Agrawal (Online Ca services […]
Category: Trademark Registration

🔊 Play The trademark is a business symbol that aids in the establishment of a brand in the market. It assists you in establishing a market identity and generating goodwill that will help your firm grow. A trademark might be a single word, a phrase, or a device. In this blog, you will learn how […]

All about the process of Trademark Registration
🔊 Play Why Trademark logo registration is becoming important for the leading business over the globe? Trademark registration assists in building the company’s long-term image in the minds of customers. People remember a graphical representation graphic or logo for a longer time than they recall the company’s name. Introduction to the Importance of Trademark logo […]

🔊 Play In this competitive business era, it becomes utmost important to differentiate your goods or service from that of your competitor. Trademark registration serves the purpose and it helps to establish a unique identity of your product in the eyes of the customers. Brand protection is essential in the business world and trademark registration […]

How to Register a Trademark & What Cannot Be Trademarked In India?
🔊 Play Trademark registration is regulated under the rules and regulation specified Trademarks act, 1999. Trademark registration gives an individual advantage over its competitors in the market. It also gives your product a legal representation, uniqueness from competitors, helps in creating a brand value. This unique identification is given in the form of certain word, […]

What is Trademark Registration Procedure In India?
🔊 Play Trademark registration in India is ‘first to file’ basis. A trademark usually takes time to get registered even in the cases where the trademark is not being opposed by a third party. Trademark applications are managed by the Office of the Controller General of Patents, Trade Marks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications. Branches […]

What is the difference Between copyright and trademark?
🔊 Play Copyright is a form of protection provided to the authors of “original works of authorship” including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual works- It might be published or unpublished. The copyright protects the form of expression rather than the subject matter of the writing. We at CAONWEB can help you get […]

How to go about when your trademark is objected?
🔊 Play To protect the intellectual property you file for your Trademark Registration, to protect your brand identity you file for the trademark. A trademark can be a word, symbol, logo and brand name, wrapper, packaging labels, tagline or a combination of these and are used by businesses. It is used to distinguish the owners’ […]

Trademark is one of the most important aspect in intellectual property
🔊 Play Trademark registration in India and anywhere in the world is important for any businesses. In simple terms, the trademark is a brand or logo which represents your business. It is a visual symbol that is used by the owner to distinguish its goods or services from other similar goods or services originating from different […]

You may have a trademark but is it registered?
🔊 Play When you think of Nike, you immediately think of the sign and tagline which says “Just Do it”. So the brand the sign that you have assigned to your business is a unique identity of your business. It is always the best idea to have a logo, that logo is called trademark. It […]