🔊 Play The Indian government’s primary focus has always been food standards. For all types of food company operators in India, the FSSAI registration has been formed in order to uphold all these criteria for public health and safety. We will go through every significant part of the Online Food License in India in this blog. FSSAI registration/ Online […]
Category: FSSAI Food Licence

All You Need to Know About FSSAI Registration Online
🔊 Play Need FSSAI Registration Online? A business that is active in operations food-related or similar things for human consumption is issued a Food License by the government. Also, establishes the rules and regulations that must be followed by food business operators in India. Industry expert Mr. Sanket Agrawal (Tax consultant near me) has helped many […]

All You Need to Know About FSSAI Registration & License
🔊 Play Most people are aware that your health and safety are protected by a registered autonomous body like FSSAI. The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, or FSSAI, is a government agency that operates under the Ministry of Health and Welfare. Because all food business operators in India are required to register with […]

How to Apply for the Fssai Registration in India?
🔊 Play Fssai Registration is for the people who are the food business operator and aggregators in India like Swiggy, Zomato, Ola food, etc. What is Fssai Registration/ Food License? The Food Safety and Security Authority of India is abbreviated as FSSAI. It is a government-run organization that is overseen by the Ministry of Health […]

Food Safety And Standard Authority Of India
🔊 Play FSSAI enlistment is required consistency that guarantees the security of food items provided or made by different foundations in India. It is a food handling declaration given by the particular food authority of India. This administering body answerable for food security is known as the Sanitation and Guidelines Authority of India (FSSAI) that […]

🔊 Play all food operators are required to obtain FSSAI license to operate business in India Introduction FSSAI stands for food safety & standards authority of India that regulates the nation vide food regulations in India. FSSAI draws its regulatory powers from food safety and standards act, 2006. Any business entrepreneur who is planning to […]

🔊 Play FSSAI act, 2006 lays down the guidelines for the registration of any food business in India. In addition to FSSAI Registration guidelines, it also incorporates the compliance procedure which needs to be followed in designing FSSAI logo. FSSAI logo creates a unique impression in the minds of the potential customers in terms of hygienic environment […]

🔊 Play Food safety & standards authority of India (FSSAI) is the apex institution which prepares the final guidelines regarding the manufacturing and further packaging of food articles. FSSAI also ensure that a Standard operating procedure (SOP) are duly complied & followed in manufacturing, storage, import/export & sale of food items in India. FUNCTIONS OF […]

Essentials to Get FSSAI License in India for Restaurant
🔊 Play India is projected to have the largest food & beverages industry by 2020. So this is the responsibility of a central food authority i.e. FSSAI to lay down certain standards & rules which will help in regulating the food industry. Most Indians eat out once or twice in a month, they eat out […]

How to take central food license in Maharashtra
🔊 Play Maharashtra is full of opportunities in several sectors. The maximum number of registered companies are in Maharashtra. Several entrepreneurs who want to have their own food business have associated with us for services like company incorporation, we also helped them get the food License or food registration. Basic registration is for all those […]